How to manifest your dreams with gratitude journalling


We all have a dream life that we are striving for. Whether it’s that dream body, job, relationship, finances you name it. And if you are on this side of the internet, then you probably already know what manifesting is and you are in the thick of it.

How many techniques have you tried? (Be honest) is it working? I for one don’t think that there is a perfect technique for manifesting, things work differently for everyone, and you just have to keep experimenting.

However, there is one technique that almost everyone has found success with. Studies have been done and proven that this works in improving your life. And it’s not even that hard, it’s simply Gratitude, that’s all it is.

I’m sure you have heard of it, and its wonders but I want to specifically talk about gratitude journalling.

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Gratitude journalling is simply writing down what you are grateful for. It’s a very powerful manifestation tactic because the more you are grateful for, the more you attract.

When you are in a state of gratitude, you are in a high vibrational receiving state. Think about it, when and why do you say thank you? When you have received something. Being grateful aligns with the energy of positivity and abundance.

So, you are simply writing down what you are grateful for…is that all? Not quite.

To get the most out of gratitude journalling and manifest your dreams, follow these tips

Be intentional

You should be intentional and specific about what you are grateful for. What you want to manifest should be aligned with what you are writing down.

Let’s say you want to manifest more financial abundance, then you focus on being grateful for the material things you already have as opposed to being grateful for your body.

Should you be grateful for everything? Yes. I am not saying to take other things for granted, but it does speed things up when you focus on specific things.

Establish a daily gratitude practice

You can’t be doing this whenever you feel like it, you have to be consistent, every day in fact. Choose a writing method (it can be a physical journal or in your notes app) then set a time and do it without fail. Really commit to it and you’ll be surprised at the outcome.

Be genuine

Sounds like a no brainer but you need to be truly grateful and mean it when you say it. You can’t be robotic about it.

Manifestation is all about energy and the strongly you feel about it, the faster you’ll attract it.

Say thank you with emotion, think about why you are grateful for that person/ thing, and it will be more genuine.


Align your thoughts with what you are being grateful for. If you want a healthy body, and you are giving thanks for the body you have now, close your eyes, and think about all the amazing things your current body does for you, then shift and think about what your dream body will do for you.



Gratitude will change your life beyond what you just want to attract. It’s a simple act yet so impactful. Make it part of your identity to be grateful. Say thank you to anyone and for everything. Even when you don’t feel like it, do it and you’ll see how it changes you.


Until next time

xo xo


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