Rejection is Redirection

 Dealing with rejection is one of the hardest things in life. When something you hoped for doesn't work out, it can feel like nothing is worth it anymore. You experience a lot of negative emotions and studies have actually found that the brain's reaction to rejection is the same as physical pain.

But, when you change your perspective and see rejection as redirection, it becomes so much easier to deal with it. Here are a few tips to help you.

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Positive outlook

Easier said than done I know. However, you get valuable lessons from rejection if you look at it in a positive light. It helps you grow and improve and it gives you a chance to work towards something else, often better than what you initially wanted. 

Maintain a positive attitude and believe that it's putting you on the path for the opportunities that are meant for you. Stay open-minded and look for what possibilities might come from this rejection.

Don't take it personal

Understand that it's nothing personal (even when it feels like it). You didn't get the job offer because they found someone more suitable, that person rejected you because they are not meant for you. 

It is not a reflection of your worthiness and value. Don't let this negative experience become a part of your identity.

Talk it out

Sometimes you just need to let it out. I know most of us choose to be brave and deal with it by ourselves but talking about it will make you feel better so much faster. 

Sharing about your experience with others will allow you to get words of encouragement and different perspectives. They will remind you that you are not alone in this and in one way or another, we've all been rejected. 

Watch yourself

Watch your thoughts and self-talk. Don't fall into the trap of negative thinking, wallow in self pity and call yourself a failure because of this

Occupy yourself with wholesome activities that will help you release negative emotions. Spend time with family and friends, read a book, move your body, etc.

Be Resilient

Finally, just be resilient. A lot of people (almost everyone really) has faced rejection before they got to where they are now. This will not be the first nor the last time you have this experience. 

Keep trying, fail, get back up, fail again. Keep exploring alternatives. Learn from each rejection, reflect on what could have gone wrong and work on it. Focus on the bigger picture when you find yourself very demotivated and remember that it all works out in the end.


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