How to Improve your focus
We've all been there...You have a looming deadline, you know you should be working but you just can't seem to focus. It doesn't help that our modern world is filled with shiny distractions so now maintaining focus is a valuable skill.
Whether its for studying, working, or pursuing a hobby, the ability to deeply focus will greatly help you improve the quality of your life.
So if you find yourself struggling with this, don't worry you are not alone, read on for some tips on how you can improve your focus.
Set Clear goals
Start by setting clear goals for the tasks you want to do. When you know exactly what you want to achieve, it becomes easier to direct your attention and energy towards that.
Break down the tasks
Once you have a defined task, break it down into small steps. Turn it into a list so that you can tick off as you go along. This shows you the progress you are making which motivates you to stay focused.
Use the Pomodoro Technique
This is a popular time management method whereby you work in intervals. It's typically 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off but you can tweak it and set time intervals that work for you.
Create a distraction free environment
Turn off notifications, put your phone in another room, and find a quiet place to work. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to focus when there are no distractions around.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing/ meditation train your brain to settle down and focus on the present. This will greatly improve your ability to concentrate for longer.
Practice single tasking
Multi tasking is never the answer to getting more done. Pick one thing and devote your attention on it until it's done. This will help you be more efficient and do higher quality work.
Prioritize tasks
Identify tasks based on their importance and allocate time for them when you are your most alert and productive. To do lists are very handy when it comes to organizing your tasks and utilize the calendar app for time blocking.
Set boundaries and Learn to say No
Sometimes, we are just overwhelmed with everything we keep saying yes to. Learn to say no to things that don't aligh with your goals and priorities. Make commitments and stick to them, your time and energy is valuable.
I hope these tips helped, let me know which one was your favorite in the comments. And remember, developing better focus is not only about getting more done but fostering a sense of clarity and purpose in everything that you do.
Until next time
xo xo
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